Article title: SALZ mit Kräutern und Gewürzen
Article main body:
They cover all the range of ingredients used in the modern kitchen.
Can be found in 6 colors-tastes:
Red salt, with paprika, curry, aleppo pepper.
Ideal for meat, legumes, potatoes, bbq, soups and eggs. Can be used for marinating or as finishing salt at your favorite food or salad
Yellow salt with turmeric, mustard, curry, sumac
Used for chicken, rice, bbq, pasta, dressings. Can be used for marinating
Green salt with oregano, spearmint, marjoram, rosemary, tarragon.
Use it for fish and seafood, stews, potatoes, raw or boiled salads, pasta.
Brown salt with allspice, caraway, Szechuan pepper
It gives unique taste at minced meat, red sauces, stuffed peppers, stews. Oriental taste and aroma to your recipes!
Pink salt, authentic Himalayan rock salt
Use it as cooking or table salt for all cooked food or salads for unique salty taste!
Blue salt, from Messolonghi
Can be used as cooking salt or as finishing salt if you add it to your salt grinder
Color my salt series of salt combine the minimal yet elegant, eco-look with the excellent quality and unique taste of the ingredients.
Using a special mixing technique, the original salt of Messolonghi is mixed with herbs and spices, resulting colorful and tasteful salts that give taste and aroma to your recipes, naturally!
They cover all the range of ingredients used in the modern kitchen.
Red salt, with paprika, curry, aleppo pepper.
Ideal for meat, legumes, potatoes, bbq, soups and eggs. Can be used for marinating or as finishing salt at your favorite food or salad
Color my salt series of salt combine the minimal yet elegant, eco-look with the excellent quality and unique taste of the ingredients.
Using a special mixing technique, the original salt of Messolonghi is mixed with herbs and spices, resulting colorful and tasteful salts that give taste and aroma to your recipes, naturally!
They cover all the range of ingredients used in the modern kitchen.
Yellow salt with turmeric, mustard, curry, sumac
Used for chicken, rice, bbq, pasta, dressings. Can be used for marinating
Color my salt series of salt combine the minimal yet elegant, eco-look with the excellent quality and unique taste of the ingredients.
Using a special mixing technique, the original salt of Messolonghi is mixed with herbs and spices, resulting colorful and tasteful salts that give taste and aroma to your recipes, naturally!
They cover all the range of ingredients used in the modern kitchen.
Green salt with oregano, spearmint, marjoram, rosemary, tarragon.
Use it for fish and seafood, stews, potatoes, raw or boiled salads, pasta.
Color my salt series of salt combine the minimal yet elegant, eco-look with the excellent quality and unique taste of the ingredients.
Using a special mixing technique, the original salt of Messolonghi is mixed with herbs and spices, resulting colorful and tasteful salts that give taste and aroma to your recipes, naturally!
They cover all the range of ingredients used in the modern kitchen.
Brown salt with allspice, caraway, Szechuan pepper
It gives unique taste at minced meat, red sauces, stuffed peppers, stews. Oriental taste and aroma to your recipes!
Color my salt series of salt combine the minimal yet elegant, eco-look with the excellent quality and unique taste of the ingredients.
Using a special mixing technique, the original salt of Messolonghi is mixed with herbs and spices, resulting colorful and tasteful salts that give taste and aroma to your recipes, naturally!
They cover all the range of ingredients used in the modern kitchen.
Pink salt, authentic Himalayan rock salt
Use it as cooking or table salt for all cooked food or salads for unique salty taste!
Color my salt series of salt combine the minimal yet elegant, eco-look with the excellent quality and unique taste of the ingredients.
Using a special mixing technique, the original salt of Messolonghi is mixed with herbs and spices, resulting colorful and tasteful salts that give taste and aroma to your recipes, naturally!
They cover all the range of ingredients used in the modern kitchen.
Blue salt, from Messolonghi
Can be used as cooking salt or as finishing salt if you add it to your salt grinder
Eine natürliche Kombination aus Meersalz von Mesollongi mit kretischen biologischen Kräutern.
Eine wunderbare kulinarische Eigenkreation, die verwendet wird, um Geschmack beim Kochen hinzuzufügen.
Mit einer speziellen traditionellen Technik werden die Bio-Kräuter Kretas und Bio-Sesamsamen mit unraffiniertem Meersalz aus Mesollongi gemischt, das eine tiefgrüne Farbe bekommt und ,,lockert,, drin den Geschmack und Duft von Griechenland.
Es kann in praktisch ALLEN Speisen verwendet werden.
Wenn es beim Kochen hinzugefügt wird, wird es mit dem Geschmack der Speise gemischt und macht sie köstlicher. Es ist die natürlichste Lösung, um Ihre Speisen ohne chemische Zusätze lecker zu machen. Bei der Verwendung als Tafelsalz bietet es die einzigartigen Düfte ihrer Zutaten an.
Sie können es zu rohen oder gekochten Salaten hinzufügen, um Fleisch oder Fisch zu marinieren, um der Pasta einen Hauch von Frische zu geben oder Hülsenfrüchte köstlicher zu machen. Perfekte gebratene Kartoffeln oder Eier, unglaublich leckerer Kartoffelsalat oder griechischer Salat, gefüllte Zucchini mit einem unverwechselbaren Geschmack, aromatische und leckere Erbsen sind nur einige Vorschläge.
Lassen Sie Ihre Phantasie die kreativsten Kombinationen zu machen, mit einem Produkt, das Ihnen begeistern wird.
Es enthält Meersalz, Kräuter * (Minze, Oregano, Thymian) und Sesam* mit der Schale.
*aus biologischem Anbau.