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Article title: HIMALAYA Authentic pink Himalayan mineral salt

HIMALAYA Authentic pink Himalayan mineral salt

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HIMALAYA Authentic pink Himalayan mineral salt

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The Himalayan mineral salt is derived from seas that were locked inside the earth hundreds of millions of years ago. 

 The authentic Himalayan salt is considered as one of the highest quality and purest salts, and is recommended as the salt with the best bio-energetic properties. It contains a multitude of beneficial mineral elements and trace elements.

 Its nutritional value, the fullness of its taste and its pure, natural composition render the Himalayan salt the unique salt that offers health and well-being. 

 The Himalayan salt, in contrast to common culinary salts, is unrefined, it is not harmful to the organism and it is not toxic. It is used as an aid in periods of slimming diets, as it fights cellulite and water retention. 

 It is mined and washed by hand; no machines are used.

 You can ask for the authentic Himalayan salt HIMALAYA by BIOdinami in organic product shops, in healthy food shops, in delicatessens and in small food shops AT THE BEST PRICE OF THE MARKET!

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